Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Favorite blog posts on Startups

Recently I came across very useful blog posts written for start-up links, I would like to copy here so that I don't forget to revisit these again & again :-  from Dharmesh Shah is my all time favourite. 
And blogger of above site, write post based on one of my favourite movie "Moneyball" :-

And my favourite point from above post is :-
5. Your goal shouldn't be to buy players, your goal should be to buy wins.
I'm going to illustrate this point with a quick paraphrasing with a conversation I had with an entrepreneur last year. It went roughly like this:
Me: What do you need?
Them: We need to build a management team.
Me: No, what do you actually need right now?
Them: Well, right now we need a VP Engineering.
Me. What for?
Them: Well, we need head up our product development effort.
Me. No, you actually need to write code and release a product. You need to respond to customer issues. You need to iterate quickly so you can learn quickly. You don't need a VP of anything, you need a doer of stuff that needs to get done. Don't think about buying titles — think about buying outcomes.  Think about plugging gaping holes in the company.  Signing up customers so fast that you can't respond to all the support emails?  Don't hire a head of support, hire someone that helps you tackle the support issue.  Someone that's maniacally committed to customer happiness.  They can become your head of support some day.

 Another post from Dharmesh Shah is:-


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